
During a trip, you may not realize that you are violating some basic etiquette which make people around you uncomfortable with your presence or behavior. There are many things that can make you uncomfortable during travel and one of them is when someone violating the travel etiquette. You don’t want to be the one violating the rule. Hence, you should know at least the basic rules of travel etiquette to keep yourself and other people comfortable. 

Avoid violating basic rules of travel etiquette

There might be some things that you consider minor but for others, they are such a huge inconvenience. For example, you just innocently skip the line so you can get through it faster. Well, it is such a huge inconvenience even if the line is not long. You are still considered violating the rule of basic travel etiquette. 

Armrest sharing

One of the common violated rules of travel etiquette is sharing the armrest on the plane. Remember that it is one armrest per passenger. Thus, use only armrest that has your media and electrical outlet. If you fight over the armrest with your seatmate, try to speak calmly and compromise with them. It is better than keeping an arm wrestling throughout the flight which is such a huge inconvenience for the both of you. 

Think of the people around you before reclining your seat

travel etiquette

Another common etiquette you should pay attention to during a flight is when reclining the seat. You may view this as your right to recline your seat back since it is your seat. However, for the people at the back of your seat, they may find it rude. Thus, it is recommended to not recline your seat if your flight is not a long one. If you are indeed on a long-haul flight and you need to recline your seat to rest or sleep better, check the people at the back first. You can see if the person behind you is doing something such as eating. It is also wise if you can just ask them if it is okay for you to recline your seat. 

Don’t be late

As mentioned earlier that it is common to see people cutting line especially when they are in such a  hurry. What if it happens to you and you are late for your flight while the lines are very long? In this situation, you may choose to cut the line, wait in line and miss your flight, or ask people to let you get in the front line. The best solution is to ask the people in lines politely and explain your situation. However, do not cut the lines rudely or without a reason. 

More stuff to read: Scuba Diving in the Seas of Komodo – Before You Dive

Swapping seats

Another issue regarding to travel etiquette is when people ask you to swap the seats. Sometimes, they do that so they can sit close to their travel companion, etc. It is not fair especially if your seat is better than theirs. You have right to refuse politely especially when you have paid extra for your seat. If they are persistent, call the flight attendance to get some solutions that make everyone happy.