
There are so many travel destination out there that you may not be able to fully explore. As travel ban is low lifted, many countries are now open for tourists or travelers to pay a visit. With this, you should be ready with your travel destination checklist. Choosing destination is a matter of personal preference. Depending on what type a vacation you want to have, you can choose suitable destination. However, it might be the best time to start uncovering underrated travel destinations that you won’t find in average travel guide for more exciting experience. 

Anguilla island, Caribbean sea

Underrated destinations for unique travel experience

Some travel destinations are considered overrated which cause various problems such as overcrowd, damage properties, etc. Hence, it might be the right time for you to restart your vacation button and make new plan by filling your bucket list with more under the radar destinations such as below:

Lombok, Indonesia

When it comes to travel destination in Indonesia, most people will be reminded of Bali. However, Bali is not the only beautiful place you can visit in Indonesia. Its neighbor island, Lombok, is low-key amazing for beach vacation. The plus point of Lombok is that it is less crowded than Bali. Hence, you can have that quiet retreat you wish for. You can explore the place by getting involved with Indonesian culture from friendly locals and enjoying the stunning scenery surrounding the island. 

Anguilla, Caribbean

Caribbean might not be considered under the radar since it is actually such a popular place for a vacation. However, there are many under the radar areas in Caribbean you can opt over any other more popular ones. And one of them is Anguilla, which is a secluded spot to help you relax and unwind. No local flights from the U.S and no port for cruise ships make this place such a great place to have that tranquility. This low-key island offers luxurious retreats that feels private and intimate. 

Herdade da Comporta, Portugal

This is a place where you don’t have to worry about crowded beaches. Herdade da Comporta is such a great place made up of a few beach villages along the west coast of Portugal. It is about an hour drive only from Lisbon. Even though it sounds remote, this place has various spots you can actually enjoy with modern amenities. Hence, you don’t have to worry about your accommodation since there are few more hotels being built. 

Luzon, Philippines

Philippines is known for its beautiful cities. It is also a great travel destination for any types of travelers and considered budget-friendly. Luzon is one of the areas in Philippines that promises unique travel experiences. As the largest island in the country, Luzon offers amazing views of spectacular mountains, tropical rainforest, and bubbling volcano. You can head to the north of the island to learn more about more ethnic and religious diverse part of the country. Meanwhile, you can head to the south to experience the mesmerizing scenery surrounding the island effortlessly.